Monday, April 16, 2007

Metal Detectors

After watching the news today about the Virgina Tech. massacre of 33 people on a university campus, I wander if universities and colleges will start implementing metal detectors, more security guards in classrooms and on campus, video surveillance, and start doing more random searches of dorm rooms and on-campus housing. I feel deeply sadden by the hole incident even though we really don't have much information on it, except the fact that 33 people are dead and one of them is the gunman that took his/her own life. Would have better technology such as metal detectors or security guards in the classroom really have protected the students from the gunman. Metal detectors, more security, x-ray machines all have been placed in many schools since Columbine. Some schools don't even allow book-bags in school any more. The technological information that changes are society will be metal detectors and x-ray machines that will continue to grow in this country because of violent acts like this one. Over the past ten years it is a fact the the crime rate in schools has been cut in half since all the metal detectors and x-ray machines have been put in place. Will colleges and universities start being like jr. high and high schools by implementing the same things? It is hard to say what this higher education facilities will do. But it will be hard to look past the two separate incidences that happened today at Virgina Tech. Will there been metal detectors in every business, gas station, restaurant, and university in the future?

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