Monday, March 26, 2007

Political Evolution

The internet has certainly changed the political landscape and has raised social and professional exploitation of political figures of the past as well as the present to new levels. Netizen’s have boundless opportunities to become well informed while heeding caution toward political interest group agendas and propaganda utilized to manipulate beliefs. In fact, recently a video of Hillary Clinton was released on YouTube depicting her in the 1984 Mac Ad in a negative light to denigrate her character.

The creator of the video is currently known and Hillary handled the situation with humor however; the video was an obvious attempt to manipulate public perceptions. How does one know which source to trust with all the interest groups and respective character assassinations toward opponents of political campaigns and agendas? In addition, how does the reader protect himself/herself from such manipulation? Often people blindly believe information without question and further research…

I can honestly say that after reading the following information listed on about congressmen and women currently in office, I thought it is only a matter of time before our country is in a major crisis (more so than we already are). How do these men and women, democrat and/or republican, get into such positions of power? This article reinforced my belief that we have a group of unintelligent, ignorant, lazy (109th Congress reported as the least effective and productive group), poor examples of leaders on Capital Hill these days. Okay, to support what I have been saying…how do I know what was reported in this article is accurate and not guided by the opinions and agendas of others? Am I just as guilty as the next? What is your guilt? If nothing else, at least question yourself?

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