Sunday, April 22, 2007

Faith and Hope

Like everyone I was deeply disturbed by what occurred at Virginia Tech. I pray for the families and students whose lives where changed forever. We all want to believe things like this can't happen in today's world.
I listen to students on Mercyhurst campus complain about how the events transpired and how poorly Virginia Tech campus handled it. We have technology to track people; we can evaluate behavior and profile terrorists. I have to say it bothers me to hear young people talk this way. I can’t believe that we have become so technology arrogant and unaware that some people think these things shouldn’t happen. Not that they shouldn’t happen because it is tragic, but they feel there is such control in the world that the human element should be able to prevent anything and everything. As if someone allowed tragedies to happen. People will always be prone to error, especially when evaluating other peoples’ actions and motives. It is our nature.
Mercyhurst is no different than Virginia Tech. I am sure there are students here who feel distant and removed from the rest of the student body. I pray they do not decide to turn violent, but it is always a possibility.
I think it is good that it has opened up our eyes to ask “how would we handle something like this?”, since I am sure it has never been considered. We do not have a public address systems and the police would not be able to lock down all the buildings quickly. How and when would students be notified?
Mercyhurst does have an emergency response plan in place which does give many guidelines for responses. It does not cover every imaginable scenario, so we will be relying on human judgments in many emergencies.
I guess even with all of our “GREAT” advances in technology we all must still rely on the most basic non-technologies of all. Faith - Hope
God will Protect US. Hope it doesn't happen.

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