Wednesday, April 4, 2007

“The Most Dangerous Game”

Wow! This describes exactly how I feel after reading several of the previous posts concerning advances in technology. I am absolutely shocked and still trying to regain my composure over the ability of hunters to kill animals via the internet and personal computer. Hunting is now reduced to a real-life video game? Where is the sportsmanship and adventure in that? Most of the men in my family are avid hunters and look forward to the return of the season every year. Getting the animal is the thrill and ultimate reward for their dedication to the outdoors and the use of their skills in hunting. Perhaps this is just another innovative way for someone to make money from someone’s sport/hobby interests or a way to attract others to the sport in a much different realm.

What concerns me more than anything about the ability to kill over the internet is whether we are opening the playing field to dangerous minds that get a thrill out of hunting humans as occurred in the movie "The Most Dangerous Game." Perhaps this will become a future strategy of our military in addition to utilizing robots to detect bombs. Don’t get me wrong, I think the creation of robots is actually a great idea toward saving lives however; I’m worried about the unforeseen results some of these technological advances will induce. The increase in individuals’ power and change in roles may one day lead to a world war in which we’re all potential targets and/or participants. Will we be fighting humans, robots, or both? It is much easier to detach ourselves from the harsh reality of our actions when they are reduced to the click of a mouse or push of a button. In favor of technological developments, I sure do hope beverage companies have those “special space-age labels” on their bottles to keep my drinks cold as we enter the advancing possibility of this future.

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