Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Cars that can Fly

Is the United States or any other country capable of building a car that flies or other know as the "flying car". I believe that we are capable of building a "flying car", however there are a lot of problems with this concept. As cool as it is, it would not be affordable to the average working man, obviously. But supposing it was, a vehicle like that would spend enormous amount of fuel, because it will have to constantly counteract the force of gravity. Planes are supported by the air somewhat, but a personal flying vehicle couldn't be a plane because it will have to be much more agile. It'll be more similar to a helicopter. Back to the fuel though, an alternate fuel will have to be used/discovered, or else the flying car will not be economical at all. So lets say the flying car has a fuel source, that's economical and more environmentally friendly than petroleum. Now theirs one more problem: the drivers. Airplanes have air traffic controllers, but average Joe drivers do not. Three dimensional travel will be extremely dangerous. Imagine yourself trying to navigate a 6 way stop sign safely. Many safety features will have to be added and many laws will have to be passed before an average Joe can safely drive a flying car. GPS could help the situation of all the cars in the air. And it will likely be partly or almost fully automated, for better driver-to-driver coordination and accident prevention. So the flying car itself might be doable at this point, but making it practical would be difficult. If the United States doesn't come up with the flying car first, then they must come up with an alternate source of fuel. This will be hard to accomplish with the lobbyist for all the oil companies raking in the money. A group of people need to step out of the box to see the big picture, and start to push for electric, hydrogen, or ethanol based fuels.

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