Sunday, May 6, 2007

Summary of a Blog

Social Change has been the topic of our blog during this term. We have discussed new technologies such as robots and flying cars. We have discussed legal issues such as copyright laws and codes of conduct for the internet.
The main idea we have tried to present was how every aspect of society and our lives has been affected and will continue to be affected by the technology changes that are occuring constantly.
Our jobs, health, recreations, education and families are all being changed by technology. Some changes have definitely been good, such as the open and abundance of information being made available. The same technologies that make this information available, also can be abused such as copyright violations. The abuse does not make the technology bad as some would have you believe, the abuser is the one who needs to be addressed, and will eventually as newer technologies fix the loopholes opened by the original technology.
New technology will have both good and bad features for society and society will continue to demand new technolgies. It is an eternal spiral.
Social change is the issue of many blogs. One of the more ineresting ones I have read is
You might like to check it out.

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